Pussy Cat

Acrylic and Gold Wire Mixed Media

36 x 48 Gallery Wrapped Canvas

Pussy Cat, inspired by my cat Gumbo, plays with color and form. I didn’t have a big enough paintbrush, so I slathered yellow, pink, orange, and red paint onto the canvas with my hands. The painting sat unfinished in my bedroom for months. A surge of creativity came onto me and I spontaneously sewed gold wire down the front of the canvas. Pricking from the back of the canvas, around the wire, and back through, I began forming a river pattern. Taking patterns and forms inspired by cave-dwelling paintings, I outlined the women and cat bodies with a salmon pink color, making sure to leave all my hand slathered colors just as they were. With white and gold shimmer details “Pussy Cat” took on its thematic name and always reminds me of two of my favorite beings: women and cats!


In December / AVAILABLE: $2,500


The Sisters / AVAILABLE: $1,400